Szeged News

Béla Bartók Arts Days return to the University of Szeged for the fourth time
The Faculty of Arts at the University of Szeged will host the 4th Béla Bartók Arts Days…

Rare and iconic Mercedes-Benz models to take center stage in Szeged this May
The Classic Car Show & Expo – supported by Pappas Auto – returns to Szeged this year with an extraordinary lineup…

Grasahu Festival returns this summer to bring Homokhátság nights to life once again
The Grasahu indie festival will be back for its seventh edition, taking place at its usual venue, the Pusztaszínház in Üllés…
Red carpet ready? Watch the Oscars at Belvárosi Mozi!
Belvárosi Cinema (Belvárosi Mozi) rolls out the red carpet for its 18th annual Oscar Day in Szeged on Sunday, March 2…

Official selection for the 9th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival announced
The competition lineup for the 9th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival features internationally acclaimed…
Winter Farewell in Szeged: celebrate with a parade, a bonfire, and the Busó performers
Szeged's annual Winter Farewell Mini Carnival with Busó performers returns to Szent István Square…
Szeged Christmas Market now open
The Szeged Christmas Market, also known as Szeged Christmas Weeks, officially kicked off over the weekend on November 29…
9th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival to take place in May 2025
This time held in the spring, the festival honoring the work of cinematographers is also accepting…
Szeged Christmas Market to open on November 29
The 2024 Szeged Christmas Market, also known as Szegedi Karácsonyi Hetek (Szeged Christmas Weeks)…
Become a ghost, witch, or vampire for a day – Halloween at Kövér Béla Puppet Theater
Kövér Béla Puppet Theater awaits young and old for its usual Halloween program on Saturday, November 2, 2024…
Pumpkin Weekend returns to Szent István Square this Saturday and Sunday
Pumpkin Weekend returns to Szent István Square in Szeged this Saturday and Sunday, October 26-27…

Szeged Design Days kicked off today
The Szeged Design Days take place between October 19 and 26, 2024, in several venues all over the city…
1st Stonewall Tattoo Convention in Hódmezővásárhely
The 1st Stonewall Tattoo Convention will take place on October 26-27 in Hódmezővásárhely.
Psychart24, the 24-hour painting marathon, took place again in Szeged
The 14th Psychart24 painting marathon was held at the SZTE József Attila Education Center (TIK)...
8th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival awaits cinema fans with exciting competition program next week
The 8th Zsigmond Vilmos International Film Festival (ZSIFF) will take place at the Belvárosi Mozi in Szeged from October 8 to 12...

Researchers' Night returns to SZTE with over 400 programs
This year, the University of Szeged will once again offer an exciting and varied program at the Researchers' Night...

Bortér autumn wine festival kicks off on Wednesday
The Bortér autumn wine festival of Szeged will be held at Dóm Square from September 18 to 22, 2024...

SZTE hosts international mRNA conference in November
Several top researchers, including Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, will present at the mRNA conference to be held in Szeged...

Coca-Cola SZIN Festival kicks off today
The last major music festival of the summer, Coca-Cola SZIN, kicks off today with around 50 acts on the various stages...

Szeged SWIM and RUN race and mileage-collecting swim this Saturday
The 2024 Szeged SWIM & RUN returns on Saturday, August 24. This year, three events will be held simultaneously...