Szeged News

Idea – Form – Life: Márton Kalmár memorial exhibition opens to great acclaim
The Idea – Form – Life memorial exhibition, celebrating the legacy of Márton Kalmár, opened at REÖK…
Art and awareness: Conscious Works exhibition opened at REÖK Palace
The Conscious Works (Tudatos művek) exhibition at Szeged's REÖK Palace blends artistic creativity with moral…
Botond Részegh solo exhibition at REöK
Botond Részegh's solo exhibition at the REÖK opened on Friday, October 4...
BOLDI and Mózes Incze exhibition opened at REÖK
A joint exhibition of sculptor Boldizsár BOLDI Szmrecsányi and painter Mózes Incze opened on July 13…
20th Painting Biennale opened at Reök Palace
The 20th Painting Biennale opened at the Reök Palace in Szeged on Saturday, May 25, 2024…
Hungarian artists' exhibition at Reök
An art exhibition of the National Association of Hungarian Artists (MAOE) opened at the REÖK…
Art exhibition of Tömörkény Secondary School on display at REÖK
Education-Art-Tradition is the title of the exhibition that opened yesterday at the REÖK arts center in Szeged…
Borko Močević exhibition opened in Szeged
An exhibition of painter Borko Močević opened on January 18 in the REÖK art center in Szeged…
New exhibition opened at REÖK All-arts Center
A lifework exhibition of Győző Sárkány, titled Létidő, opened at the Reök All-arts Center in Szeged on Saturday, October 7…
The other shore — Franyo Aatoth exhibition opened at REÖK Szeged
Nearly 90 works of Franyo Aatoth, a Hungarian-born contemporary artist living in France and Thailand, are on display at the REÖK All-arts Center in Szeged…
Salami inspired art exhibition at Magyar Ede Square
An open-air exhibition, with graphic illustrations inspired by the memories and feelings generated…
Night of Museums 2023 Szeged
Night of Museums, a country-wide program held each year on June 24, returns this weekend…
42nd Summer Exhibition open at REÖK
One of the country's most prestigious contemporary art exhibitions, the traditional Summer Exhibition…

6th International Harp Competition in Szeged starts on November 29
An international harp competition with the participation of 60 young musicians from 29 countries will start on Tuesday…

István Vántus Contemporary Music Days 2022
The István Vántus Contemporary Music Days 2022 are held between Monday, November 21, and Thursday, November 24…
Pumpkin seed - raspberry from Szeged wins third place at Ice Cream of the Year competition
A pumpkin seed and raspberry ice cream, made by confectioners of REÖK Szeged, won third place…

"Digital confessions" memorial exhibition extended at REÖK Szeged
The memorial exhibition of Dr. Lóránd Fráter, the late radiologist and fine artist, will be extended until March 6, 2022. The exhibition named "Digital confessions" can be visited in the second-floor exhibition space of REÖK.

Dante 700 exhibition in REÖK
As part of the Dante 700 commemorative year, 50 contemporary Hungarian artists were asked to contribute to an exhibition with their work. "Dante's Universe" exhibition at REÖK will be open for visitors until 20 February.