August 20 celebrations in Szeged

This year’s August 20 celebrations in Szeged will take place between August 18-20. The 3-day festival offers lots of entertainment with afternoon and evening concerts at Széchenyi Square, and a festive firework at the Huszár Mátyás Quay.

Read more about August 20, Hungary’s State Foundation Day — also known as Saint Stephen’s Day — in this short blog post.

2023 State Foundation Day Programs in Szeged:

Friday, August 18:

16:00 Diseuse concert

17:00 performance of the Bánát Serbian Folk Dance Group and the Tradition Conservation Association from Tápé

20:00 Balkan Fanatik concert

21:45 DJ András Horváth

Saturday, August 19:

10:00 Csiga Duó kids’ concert

11:00 concert of the teachers of Premier Arts High School

13:00 cabaret by Sándor Várfi and Csaba Gerner (in Hungarian)

14:00 concert by the teachers of the Sándorfalva Arts School

15:00 performance by the Kozmosz Association

17:30 Molnár Dixieland Band concert

20:00 concert by The Carbonfools

22:00 street party with the Juniolds Band

Sunday, August 20:

9:00 Radio 88 live from Széchenyi Square

9:30 brass band performance in front of the City Hall at Széchenyi Square

9:50 ceremonial raising of the national flag in front of the City Hall at Széchenyi Square

10:00 official August 20 celebration at the fountain at Széchenyi Square

12:00 (noon) music performance

14:00 brass bands

18:00 Funkorama concert

20:00 Tamás Hevesi concert

21:00 fireworks at the Huszár Mátyás Quay

21:20 Tamás Hevesi concert continues

22:30 street party with the Útközband Band

The August 20 celebrations are organized by SZVP - Szeged Market and Fair Operator Ltd. For the latest updates check the event on Facebook.

Featured image only for illustration. Shot at Széchenyi Square at the Szeged Wine Festival in 2022.

Related: August 20 celebrations in Hungary — a short sum-up

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