Imre Zoltán Contemporary Dance Festival May 2-8

The Imre Zoltán Contemporary Dance Festival (Imre Zoltán Kortárstánc Fesztivál) starts today in Szeged. The one week long festival, hosted by the National Theater of Szeged, offers 13 performances at Kisszínház, on Horváth Mihály street. 

The festival provides an opportunity for young dancers to introduce themselves. The Imre Zoltán Program was announced by the National Cultural Fund in 2017 with the aim of helping early-stage creators to get started, to help their works reach the audience, and to reach secondary school and university age groups.

Zoltán Imre, the founder of the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company, a prominent dancer who died in 1997, considered it important to embrace the young dancer and choreographer generation - he discovered several dancers, some of them got awarded with the Kossuth Prize. Experimentation, openness, and complex theatrical thinking characterized his art. His heritage is an example to follow for all generations of the dancers.

The Imre Zoltán Contemporary Dance Festival ends on Sunday, May 8, with the Danza performance of the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company.

Info and featured image by National Theater of Szeged


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