Photo exhibition of EU membership achievements held across the country, including Szeged

The European Commission Representation in Hungary organized an outdoor photo exhibition in 22 locations across the country to mark the 20th anniversary of Hungary's accession to the European Union.

The exhibition features a total of twenty large-format images showing one successful EU development project from each of Hungary's counties and the capital city, out of the tens of thousands of successful projects that have been implemented with EU support across the country in the past 20 years, according to a statement sent to MTI, the Hungarian News Agency, by the European Commission Representation in Hungary.

As they wrote, the selection of the pictures was made to cover as many areas of everyday life and the economy as possible: the exhibition includes photos of the Mayfly Bridge in Szolnok, the Kőrös-Maros National Park, and the Miskolc-Tapolca Lake, among others, but also shows healthcare, IT, and energy efficiency developments.

The exhibition, placed on the fences of public buildings, will be displayed at three Budapest and 19 county locations for 3 months from mid-August. In Budapest, the exhibition can be seen at Bakáts tér, Almássy tér, and Olimpia Park, and in the countryside in Kecskemét, Szeged, Szolnok, Gyula, Cegléd, Salgótarján, Eger, Miskolc, Nyíregyháza, Debrecen, Székesfehérvár, Kaposvár, Harkány, Szekszárd, Esztergom, Győr, Szombathely, Keszthely, and Veszprém.

The exhibition aims to foster a sense of pride and belonging among Hungarian citizens, demonstrating the tangible impact of EU funding and highlighting the achievements of EU membership, the statement said.

In Szeged, the exhibition can be found on the MÁV Headquarters' fences – on Tisza Lajos Boulevard and Kiss Ernő Street.

Source: MTI

Featured images: The exhibition of EU membership achievements at the MÁV Headquarters in Szeged. Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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