17th Lotus Days at Szeged Botanical Garden

The 17th Lotus Days at Szeged Botanical Garden will take place on Saturday and Sunday, July 27-28, 2023. The event celebrates the largest open-air Indian lotus collection in Central Europe, blooming each year at the Szeged Botanical Garden.

Please note that the language of the event is Hungarian!

During Lotus Days, the Botanical Garden awaits visitors with South- and Southeast-Asian-themed programs. Dance, music, yoga, martial arts performances, workshops, and a crafts market will bring the cultures of India, Japan, China, and Korea closer to the visitors.

On Saturday, stage programs will begin at 10:00 with a joint yoga practice to kick off the day. Throughout the day, visitors can enjoy activities such as meditation, yoga, Indian music, kung fu and ninjutsu demonstrations, as well as Chinese and Korean tea ceremonies, at various locations in the Botanical Garden. The final stage program, a Calcutta Trio concert, will commence at 17:00.

Sunday's stage programs also begin at 10:00 with a joint yoga practice. Other activities include various performances such as Mediball, Bhajan, tai chi, Odissi dance, traditional Japanese dance, and Japanese tea ceremony. The final stage program is a MantraSOUND concert, which will feature Sanskrit mantras combined with ambient and new-age music and will begin at 16:30.

Guided tours — in Hungarian — can be joined on both days to learn more about the Indian Lotus and other Far Eastern plants found in the Botanical Garden of Szeged.

As in previous years, four local restaurants — Taj Mahal, Gourmet Garden, Őrangyal, and Kínai Nagy Fal — will be on-site selling Asian food.

Detailed programs for Saturday and Sunday can be found on the website of the organizer, the Botanical Garden of the University of Szeged (in Hungarian).

Ticket info

For the latest info and updates, check out the Botanical Garden’s Facebook page

Featured image: Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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