95th Festive Book Week in Szeged

The 95th Festive Book Week and the 23rd Children's Book Days, organized by the Hungarian Publishers’ and Booksellers’ Association, are held between June 13-16, 2024, in Budapest and other Hungarian cities – including Szeged.

As in previous years, Szeged Book Week programs are coordinated by the Somogyi Library. The Festive Book Week features talks, book launches, folk dance performances, concerts, and kids' programs, among others.

Booksellers' stands, as well as some of the programs, will be at Dugonics Square. Other Szeged venues hosting Festive Book Week programs include the SZTE Klebelsberg Library, Somogyi Library, Café Radnóti, Móra Ferenc Museum, Kövér Béla Puppet Theater, Mátyás Square, Grand Café, and more. The detailed program and the venues can be found on the Somogyi Library’s website (in Hungarian).

Note that the language of the programs is Hungarian.


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