Shoebox Campaign kicks off in Szeged to collect gifts for children in need

The annual Shoebox Campaign, organized by the Hungarian Baptist Aid, has officially begun in Szeged. This year, the IH Event Center (IH Rendezvényközpont) is once again participating as a collection point alongside 16 other local institutions, businesses, and organizations. The campaign aims to bring joy to children aged 0 to 18 through carefully prepared shoebox gifts.

The collection runs until December 18, allowing ample time for residents to contribute. Participating in the campaign is simple: select a shoebox in good condition, fill it with age-appropriate and gender-specific gifts – such as toys, books, hygiene products, sweets, or school supplies – and clearly label it with the intended age group and whether it is for a boy or a girl.

Editor's note: the gender-specific labeling is required by the organizer

Wrap the prepared shoebox in colorful wrapping paper, preferably wrapping the lid and the bottom separately. Secure it with transparent adhesive tape or tie it with string. This way, the box will not open during transport but can still be easily opened and resealed for security checks.

Gift shoeboxes must not contain the following:

  1. Items or toys that encourage aggression, such as toy guns, knives, or PC games

  2. Canned goods, perishable foods, or fruit

  3. Fragile items (e.g., mirrors, porcelain dolls)

  4. Medications

  5. Broken or unusable toys

2024 Shoebox Campaign collection points in Szeged:

Anna Gyógy-, Termál és Élményfürdő (Tisza Lajos körút 24.)

Biolife Plazmaközpont (Dóm tér 3-4.)

Greenyshop - Öko drogéria (Vadász utca 8.)

Gyógykuckó Természetgyógyászati Rendelő (Vasas Szent Péter utca 5/c.)

IH Rendezvényközpont (Felső Tisza-part 2.)

Mind-Diák Szövetkezet / Humán Centrum Kft. (Mérey utca 21. földszint 1.)

Plazma Pont (Kígyó utca 4.)

Plazma Pont (Mikszáth Kálmán utca 20-22.)

Prémium Piac (Algyői út 72.)

Stacked (Szent István tér 4.)

Szeged Auchan Nemzeti Dohánybolt (Hosszú utca 73-79.)

Szeged Városi Sportcsarnok (Temesvári krt. 33.)

SZTE BTK HÖK (Egyetem utca 2.)

Tiszavirág Sportuszoda (Etelka sor 3-5.)

Vitamin Szalon (Mérey utca 15/b.)

Vitamin Szalon és Lipóti Pékség (Derkovits fasor 17.)

Vitamin Szalon (Tímár utca 9/b.)

The collected shoebox gifts are delivered to children in need through the Hungarian Baptist Aid's nationwide volunteer network, ensuring they arrive before the holidays. The primary recipients of the boxes include children's homes, NGOs working with children in need, hospitals, schools, and associations working with children with disabilities.

Szilvia Molnar

Szilvia Molnar is an ecotourism guide turned copywriter turned editor and journalist. She is the founder and owner of Szegedify.


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