Sausage-making competition at Bárka Szeged

A sausage-making competition, organized by IH Event Center and the Bárka Restaurant, will be held in Szeged next Saturday, February 25. The event will take place at Bárka, at Roosevelt Square, under Belvárosi Bridge.

Teams are to bring their own sausage recipe, spices, and the equipment needed, including the sausage filler. The organizers will provide 4 kilos of minced pork meat, sausage casing, a table, a bench, and a party tent for the competing teams - and will also cook the sausages for them.

Accompanying programs:

Display cooking and tasting with Ferenc Bálint and Gábor Goda from the Southern Great Plain Gastronomy and Tourism Association

World flavors: sausage tasting (while supplies last)

Vibe ensured by Gedzo and DJ Bence Nacsa

Music performance by Luigi

Kids' corner: handicrafts, bouncy castle, and human foosball

This is a free event.

Program start: 11 a.m.

Facebook event link

The program is part of the "Strengthening local identity and cohesion in Szeged - The power of the community" project, backed by the regional development fund of the European Union.

Note: Anyone under 18 can only participate in the event under the supervision of an adult. Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.

Featured image only for illustration. Credit: Bruno Kelzer / Unsplash


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