Winter farewell at Szent István Square Szeged

Winter farewell with busó performers in Szeged

Winter Farewell Weekend returns to Szeged.

Similarly to last year, the organizer SZVP - Szegedi Városkép és Piac invites everyone to scare the winter away at Szent István Square on February 25-26. The two-day celebration features a festival parade, winter puppet burning, various kids' and family programs, concerts, and an artisan market with local handmade products.

On Saturday, February 25:


  • 9:00 handicraft market opens

  • 9:30 opening of the winter farewell weekend with fanfare performed by the brass students of the University of Szeged (teacher: József Boros)

  • 10:00 Kövér Béla Puppet Theater’s carnival performance

  • 11:00 - 14:00 Witch Hunt: interactive game for kids


  • 15:00 Busó dance performance by Botos Busó Group

  • 17:30 festival parade with Busó performers, the Délikert Napsugár Folk Dance Group, and the Gyantár Band. The parade starts at Dugonics Square and arrives at Szent István Square.

  • 18:00 burning of the so-called kiszebáb (kisze puppet) at Szent István Square.

    The kiszebáb is a straw puppet - often in the form of a witch - that symbolizes illness, bad spirits, and generally all things bad. Traditionally, the burning of the kisze puppet, accompanied by a lot of noise, was believed to ward off all bad things, drive the winter away, and welcome the spring.

    Anyone is free to join the celebration. The Winter Witch is already at Mars Square Market (in front of Nagycsarnok) for anyone to pin a note on it with the bad things they want to ward off. These notes will then be burnt with the puppet on Saturday, February 25. The Winter Witch will be moved to Dugonics Square next Monday, February 20.

On Sunday, February 20:


  • 9:00 handicraft market opens

  • 10:00 Peter&Pan concert for kids

  • 11:00 donut eating contest for kids


  • 14:00 7mérföldes Band kids’ concert

  • 15:00 Pasenkó the Clown interactive kids’ program

  • 16:00 “broom dance” interactive game for kids

On both days:

  • the Water Tower on Szent István Square (St. Stephen Sq.) will be open for visitors between 11:00 and 16:00. Entrance ticket: 600 HUF

  • giant building blocks, carousel, small railway, bouncy castle, and ponies for the kids

  • from 9 in the morning handicraft market with handmade lifestyle products and food items

Note: the organizer reserves the right to change the program

Featured image via SZVP - Szegedi Városkép és Piac

Read more about Busó traditions in our blog post covering the Mohács Busó Festival.


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