Szeged Contemporary Dance Company commemorates Petőfi with the dance suite Lánglelkű

The Szeged Contemporary Dance Company presents the first premiere of the 2023/24 season, the dance suite Lánglelkű, on November 10, at the National Theater of Szeged.

Lánglelkű includes five dance etudes from young composers and choreographers, building on Sándor Petőfi's five poems. The director of the evening is Tamás Juronics, artistic director of the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company.

2023 is a memorial year — termed Petőfi 200 — commemorating the 200th anniversary of the famous Hungarian poet, Sándor Petőfi's birth. Numerous programs were and are held throughout the country to shine a light on the legacy of one of Hungary's most important poets.

The visual poetry of the Szeged Contemporary Dance Company, together with the works of the five talented young composers, Ádám Brandenburg, Dániel Dobri, Dániel Lázár, Viktor Molnár, and Petra Szászi, brought to life by the Szeged Symphony Orchestra, is set to evoke the restless and eternal genius of Petőfi.

Choreographers: Gergely Czár, Róbert Kiss, Krisztina Szöllősi, Laura Tóth, Diletta Ranuzzi, Désirée Bazzani

Conductor: Sándor Gyüdi

Featured image via Szeged Contemporary Dance Company


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