SZINkópé Kids' Festival at Újszeged Liget

The Kövér Béla Puppet Theater's SZINkópé Festival will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 27-28, at Újszeged Liget.

The actual festival is 4 days long, beginning on Thursday with a private event celebrating the Kövér Béla Puppet Theater's 75th anniversary.

On Friday evening, a festive parade will launch the public part of the festival at 8 p.m. Puppeteers will lead the parade with giant puppets from Roosevelt Square to Széchenyi Square, then along Kárász Street, reaching Dugonics Square at the end. Everyone can join the parade and even bring bubble blowers along.

On Saturday and Sunday, the SZINkópé Puppet Festival at Újszeged Liget offers full-day entertainment for kids and playful adults alike. The program starts at 10 a.m. on both days. Throughout the day, local and guest puppeteers and artists will entertain the audience with different puppet shows and kids' concerts. Seven special playing grounds will accompany the programs, all with different thematics. Programs end at 7 p.m. on both days.

Day tickets for Saturday and Sunday can be purchased in advance online (card), and on the day of the event on-site too (cash), for 1.500 HUF/person/day. A two-day ticket is 2.800 HUF/person. Sustainability is an important aspect of the festival, so organizers ask everyone to come by bike, on foot, or on public transport, if possible. Families are welcome to bring picnic blankets, food, and drinks with them.

Adults are responsible for the children they accompany to the event.

The language of the event is Hungarian.

Featured image via Kövér Béla Bábszínház Facebook Page


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