Hungarian Skateboarding Championship opening competitions this weekend in Szeged

Image: Shawn Henry / Unsplash

The 2022 Hungarian Skateboarding Championship comes to Szeged on June 18-19.

This year’s national championship will have three venues each. All three locations will host 2-day competitions, one day for street categories, and one day for park categories. Szeged will be the first venue in the championship to collect points.

Participants need to have a competition license, which can be obtained from the local skating associations.

Schedule of the Hungarian Skateboarding Championship in Szeged:

June 18: street

June 19: park

Categories: Women's under 18, Women's 18 and over, Men's under 12, Men's 12 to 14, Men's 14 to 18, Men's 18 and over

June 18 will be part of the so-called Student Olympics - well-performing student competitors can even get extra higher education admission points on this day. Those who want to take part in the Student Olympics don't need a competition license, however, only their school can enter them into the comp.

Szilvia Molnar

Szilvia Molnar is an ecotourism guide turned copywriter turned editor and journalist. She is the founder and owner of Szegedify.


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