Szeged public institutions to close for winter due to rising energy prices
Photo: Tim Mossholder / Unsplash
Updated: January 14, 2023
Due to rising energy prices, on October 21, the city assembly of Szeged decided to close public buildings for the winter. Cultural and sports facilities will be closed for at least one month, and some facilities will remain closed until the beginning of March.
According to today's decision to reduce energy consumption and energy costs, the following public institutions will be closed for the winter:
Cultural institutions:
Móra Ferenc Museum, Fekete Ház, Vármúzeum,
REÖK Palace and the National Theater,
Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra and the cultural center (Művelődési ház) buildings,
Korzó Zeneház,
and Kövér Béla Puppet Theater
will all be closed from January 1, 2023, until March 3, 2023
Kisszínház will be closed from January 1 until February 15
All buildings of the Somogyi Library will be closed from December 19, 2022, until March 3, 2023, except three sublibraries: Északváros, Rókus, and Odessza Sublibraries will already be open from January 11.
Belvárosi Mozi, Senior Center, Partfürdő, and D2 Központ will be closed from January 1 until March 3, while IH Event Center will already be open on February 4.
Sports and recreational facilities:
Update: Tiszavirág Sports Pool will reopen on January 17.
Sports and recreational facilities operated by Szegedi Sport és Fürdők Kft. will be closed from December 19 until March 3, with the following exceptions:
the outpatient specialist care at Anna Bath will receive patients during the above period
therapeutic swimming at Anna Bath will be available from March 3, 2023
the City Sports Hall and Sports Pool will be closed between December 19, 2022, and February 3, 2023
Szeged City Ice Rink will be closed for the entire 2022/2023 season
the public toilets operated by the company (Károlyi utca, Játékok Kertje) will be closed during the entire heating season
Other institutions:
Tourinform Office and Alsóvárosi Tájház will be closed from December 19, 2022, until March 3, 2023
three branches of the mayor's office - at Tápé, Szőreg, and Dorozsma - will remain closed until March 3, 2023
Mars tér Market will be closed on Mondays between December 19, 2022, and February 28, 2023, with the possibility of reducing opening times on other days as needed
Fountains are already closed down and from January 2 to March 3, 2023, decorative and Christmas lights will be turned off on 50 buildings.
Street lights will remain on as usual.