Planning of Szeged's third Tisza Bridge can begin

The Old Bridge in Szeged

Image: Sanga Park / Dreamstime

Architecture company FŐMTERV won the tender for planning the third (also called Southern) Tisza Bridge to Újszeged and closing the Szeged Nagykörút for HUF 684 million.

FŐMTERV will have three tasks:

1. closure of the Nagykörút (missing sections between Szeged and Újszeged): 

  • reconstruction of the road section (0.6 km) between Petőfi Sándor Avenue and Boldogasszony Avenue into a 2x2 traffic lane

  • construction of a new 2x2-lane road section (1.2 km) between Boldogasszony Avenue and Temesvári Avenue

2. reviewing the traffic conditions of the existing sections of the Nagykörút between Petőfi Sándor Avenue and the planned bridge's end in Szeged

3. a new 2 x 2-lane Tisza road bridge (with a cycle path and footpath), the substructure of which must be suitable for receiving the long-term railway superstructure. The total length of the bridge is 471 meters.

Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt. (National Infrastructure Developer Private Limited Liability Company) concluded a contract with the winner of the tender on 18 February.



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