Photo exhibition opened at Kiss Kunszt Gallery

The debut exhibition of photographer Fanny Boros opened this afternoon at the Kiss Kunszt Gallery.

The exhibition is partly based on the pictures taken during the art camp for children organized at the St. Francis Foundation in Deva, Transylvania, and the Craft Photography Week at Atelier Boros in Szeged – and partly on the artist's own photos.

Fanny Boros presents the special artistic process of cyanotype, the blue print, which she and her students have used. They attempted to explore and rethink this photographic process from the 1800s. The celebratory nature of the exhibition is enhanced by the fact that on September 24, the photographic world observes World Cyanotype Day, commemorating the inventor of this very special art-photographic process, the British scientist and artist Sir John Herschel, said Andrea Fabulya, who opened the exhibition.

The opening of the exhibition was accompanied by Konsztantina Kalogeropoulou on cello and Róza Nagy Csillag on violin.

The photo exhibition of Fanny Boros can be seen at the Kiss Kunszt Gallery until October 4, 2024.

Photos from the opening ceremony. Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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