Marek Brzózka outdoor exhibition opened at Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra

An exhibition of metal sculptures by Polish sculptor Marek Brzózka was opened in the courtyard of the Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra in Szeged on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

The special exhibition offers a selection of the 40-year-old sculptor's works to date, giving an insight into his artistic work over the past decades. The works of the Szeged-based artist are displayed in the fountain, on the grassy slopes, and even on the roof of the small courtyard building – on the Kálvária sugárút-side of Agóra.

"In the hands of the sculptor, any ordinary object - tweezers, pincers, scissors - can take on a new life," said Attila Thorday, priest of the Árpád-házi Szent Erzsébet Parish in Újszeged, in his exhibition opening speech. "Even as a young boy, Marek Brzózka played with the material with devotion and as an adult, he continues to experiment with it with passion." As Thorday said, Brzózka has never been alone on his journey, and he has shared this passion with many of his artist predecessors, whom he commemorates in his work, The Altar of the Profane.

The outdoor exhibition titled Brzózka 40 will be on display until November 16, during the opening hours of Agóra.

Photos: Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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