City development projects announced

A building reconstruction project starts at Oskola Street, announced Deputy Mayor József Binszki on March 18.

The entire row of houses on one side of Oskola Street will be given a new look with the financial support of the municipality. Six of these houses have already been scaffolded.

"These are apartment buildings in which the Szeged municipality is the majority owner, so the municipality pays for most of the renovations. The works will primarily affect the Oskola Street facade of the buildings, and the eaves of the courtyard facade will be renovated. In addition, the interior walls of the dry gate entrance of the building at 23 Oskola Street will also be plastered and repainted" said József Binszki at the site on Monday afternoon.

The total cost of the renovations is HUF 21,300,000, and the municipality contributes a little over HUF 15 million to the renovation of the buildings, while the rest will be financed by the residents.

Tram line reconstruction

The reconstruction of the track of tram 4 will also start, a press conference about this was held on March 19 by local council representative Rózsa Koromné Fenyvesi and László Makrai, managing director of the Szeged Environmental Management Nonprofit LLC. The representative pointed out that so far the reconstruction works have always only affected small sections. Now the municipality has allocated HUF 169 million for this modernization.

The modernization works are carried out by the SZKT, the public transport company of the city, which asked the Szeged Environmental Management Nonprofit LLC. to prepare a tree protection program related to the green area affected by the investment. As it turned out, of the 19 trees in the section affected by the reconstruction works, 12 cannot be saved, these must be cut down. Instead of the cut trees, 60 trees with a diameter of at least 20 cm will be planted, explained László Makrai.

During the track modernization, replacement buses will run on tram line 4 between the Anna-kút station and Kecskés terminus from the start of service on Saturday, March 23 until closing on May 17, while trams will continue to run in the direction of Tarján.

Photos: Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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