Bus drivers on strike on Sunday and Monday

Passangers traveling on a local bus in Szeged

After multiple rounds, Volánbusz and the Solidarity Bus Transport Union (SZAKSZ) couldn't reach an agreement on this year's wages, hence the union will hold the strike announced for January 28-29. The decision was posted by István Dobi, leader of SZAKSZ, on the union's official Facebook page yesterday.

On Thursday, January 25, the parties agreed on the so-called sufficient service, namely the guaranteed number and frequency of bus routes countrywide. According to this, in Szeged, bus routes 20, 21, 70, 71A, 72, 72A, 76, 77, and 90 may be canceled on Sunday, one per hour. On Monday, the number of canceled routes will probably be higher as drivers are expected to strike on almost all local bus routes as well as on intercity bus lines.

However, if a driver does agree to work during the strike, the given bus will be running according to the original schedule.

The list of bus routes not running due to the Hungary-wide strike can be found on the Volánbusz website.

As Dobi writes in another Facebook post, SZAKSZ is the only one of the nine workers' unions that still doesn't want to accept the 3-year wage agreement offered by the employer, Volánbusz. The next wage agreement meeting is scheduled for January 30.

Featured image only for illustration. Photo: Szegedify / Szilvia Molnar


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