Ancient China exhibition closed, attracting nearly 62 thousand visitors

Nearly 62,000 people saw the Ancient China exhibition in Szeged: the exhibition closed its doors on January 7, 2024. With this result, Ancient China was included among the most successful exhibitions of the Móra Ferenc Museum — the museum announced in a press release.

According to the announcement, huge crowds were curious to see the terracotta warriors and the original ancient Chinese artifacts during the Christmas holiday and in the last week of the exhibit.

The Chinese curators, who accompanied the artifacts from Shanghai, started packing the objects the morning after the exhibition closed. The artifacts were taken out one by one from the display cases, then carefully packed and placed in special transport boxes with the help of the museum staff.

The other unit of the exhibition, the terracotta warriors, is not saying goodbye to Szeged yet. After the departure of the Shanghai material, the museum will take a short break, and, according to plans, the terracotta warriors will still be on display in the Móra Museum as part of a new exhibition from the end of January.

Image and info source: Móra Ferenc Museum

Find all our articles about the Ancient China exhibition here


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