Hundreds of students choose the ERASMUS program at the University of Szeged

Interest in the ERASMUS program at the University of Szeged remains unbroken: in the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, 127 foreign students began their studies in Szeged, while 113 students from SZTE traveled to one of the 575 European partner institutions — the University of Szeged announced in a press release.

In addition to half-year and full-year courses, SZTE also offers the possibility of short-term mobilities (doctoral mobility, Blended Intensive Programs) for incoming and outgoing students.

The University of Szeged admitted a record number of international students this year. Currently, students from more than 130 countries study at SZTE, creating a uniquely diverse university community even on a national level.

"This year, we admitted more than 1,200 new foreign students, which represents a 20% increase compared to previous years. This is a huge success and pleasure for us. About one-fifth of the current students of the University of Szeged are international students. The ERASMUS mobility program, which has been continuously popular for years, also contributes significantly to this result. In addition to half-year and full-year courses, we also offer short-term Blended Intensive Programs to students" emphasized Dr. Tamás Bene, international and public relations director of SZTE.

He also added that a total of 1,196 bilateral agreements bind the University of Szeged with 575 European partner institutions from 30 countries in the ERASMUS program — these bilateral agreements provide the framework for student and faculty mobility.

In the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, 127 foreign students started their studies at the University of Szeged with the ERASMUS program, who came to the 9 faculties of SZTE from 57 universities in 11 countries and 52 cities. The majority of incoming students study at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Most of these students are from Spain, France, and Turkey. In September 2023, the Digicrimjus Blended Intensive Program (BIP) of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences took place, to which guest students from 3 partner institutions — in Germany, Turkey, and Poland — came for a short, 10-day student mobility.

SZTE students taking part in Erasmus programs

The Erasmus program is equally popular among SZTE students. In the first semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, 87 part-time students and 15 professional interns from SZTE started their mobility in a European institution. In short-term mobility, 10 students participate in 2, 1-week Blended Intensive Programs in Porto and Cluj-Napoca, and one student travels to France for a one-month doctoral mobility.

The 113 mobilities involving 9 faculties of SZTE take place in 71 target institutions located in 23 countries. Most of the SZTE students participating in the program study at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and they spend their mobilities in the largest number in Spanish, French, and German destination institutions.

The ERASMUS program provides both incoming and outgoing students with excellent opportunities for professional and personal development. Entering a diverse environment, the participants of the program can get to know other cultures, develop their foreign language skills, expand their network of contacts, and in the meantime acquire important abilities and skills that are also important for their position in the labor market — concludes the university's press report.

Featured image only for illustration. Credit: Brooke Cagle / Unsplash


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