Szeged Open-Air Theater Festival at Dóm Square launches its 2022 season
Open-air theater at Dóm Square
The Szeged Open-air Festival (Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok) at Dóm Square launches its 2022 season on Friday, July 1. The biggest open-air theater in the country - and one of the most prominent summer theater festivals in Central Europe - is in its 91st year. The first performance at Dóm Square, the premiere of "Szabadság, szerelem! - Petőfi, a vitéz", is a dance play about the life of Sándor Petőfi with the participation of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble.
Schedule at Dóm Square:
Szabadság, szerelem! - Petőfi, a vitéz (dance play): July 1, 2
Mamma Mia! (musical): July 8, 9, 15, 16
A dominógyilkosság (crime, in two parts): July 22, 23
La Traviata (opera): July 29, 30
Chicago (musical): August 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20
This year, the festival returns to the smaller, but still surprisingly big Újszeged Open-air Stage too. Here, the program has already been running since June 22, when the Boban Markovic Orkestar took to the stage, followed by the Chess musical on June 24 and 25.
The open-air stage at Újszeged Liget
Further performances coming up at Újszeged Open-air Stage:
Budapest Bar Concert: July 6
László Dés Concert with Juli Básti and Ervin Nagy: July 20
Gyöngyhajú lány balladája (musical inspired by the hit single Gyöngyhajú lány by Omega): August 6
A dal a miénk - concert by the Csík Band, Gábor Presser, and János Karácsony: August 10
Andrea Rost and Guests - birthday concert in three parts and three different genres: August 17
Anconai szerelmesek (music comedy): August 19, 20
Tickets are available online and at REÖK, on Magyar Ede Square.
Featured images shared with permission of Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok
Video: Construction of the open-air theater at Dóm Square