Gaetano Donizetti: Maria Stuarda Hungarian premiere at National Theater of Szeged

Maria Stuarda is a concert-like opera in three acts, two parts, in Italian - written by Giuseppe Bardani based on the work of the same title by Friedrich Schiller.

Elizabeth is holding Mary, the Queen of Scotland captive but postponing her execution because she knows it would gain even more enemies for England. The Earl of Leicester, whom Elizabeth is still in love with, is trying to ask for amnesty for Mary. This infuriates the Queen of England so much that she immediately signs the death sentence.

Elisabetta................................. Csilla Boross

Maria........................................ Klára Kolonits

Roberto Leicester..................... István Horváth

Talbot........................................ Antal Cseh

Cecil......................................... Szilveszter Szélpál

Anna......................................... Beáta Máthé

With the participation of the Szeged Symphonic Orchestra and the choir of the National Theater of Szeged.

Info and featured image credit: National Theater of Szeged.


Critically Endangered Blue-throated Macaws hatched at Szeged Zoo


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