Public Holidays, Extra Holidays and Extra Workdays in Hungary in 2022

  • January 1. - New Year’s Day - Public holiday

  • March 14. - 1848 Revolution Memorial Day - Extra holiday

  • March 15. - 1848 Revolution Memorial Day - Public holiday

  • March 26. - Extra workday (working day on weekend)

  • April 15. - Good Friday - Public holiday

  • April 17. - Easter Sunday

  • April 18. - Easter Monday - Public holiday

  • May 1. - Labor Day / May Day - Public holiday

  • June 5. - Whit Sunday

  • June 6. - Whit Monday - Public holiday

  • August 20. - The Nation’s Day - Public holiday

  • October 15. - Extra workday (working day on weekend)

  • October 23. - 1956 Revolution Memorial Day - Public holiday

  • October 31. - All Saints’ Day - Extra Holiday

  • November 1. - All Saints’ Day - Public holiday

  • December 24. - Christmas Eve (shops and workplaces may close earlier, or do not open at all)

  • December 25. - Christmas Day - Public holiday

  • December 26. - Second Day of Christmas - Public holiday

  • December 31. - New Year’s Eve (shops and workplaces may close earlier, or do not open at all)


Japanese Film Festival Online 2022 streaming for free in Hungary


Budapest Central European Fashion Week AW 22/23 starts January 31