Szeged Sights

Reök Palace Szeged

Reök Palace

The fully renovated Reök Palace, designed at the beginning of the 20th century by Ede Magyar, is a masterpiece of art nouveau architecture and a real gem of Szeged’s cityscape. Built in 1907 as the family home of a hydraulic engineer, Iván Reök, the building is a rare and outstanding piece of Hungarian secession. The Reök Palace serves as a regional arts center with regular photography and visual arts exhibitions. A large part of the ground floor area has been converted into a wonderful café.

Address: 6720 Szeged, Magyar Ede tér 2.


Opening hours: Regional Arts Centre: 

Tuesday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm

Saturday: 10 am - noon

Sunday, Monday: Closed

Entrance ticket:

Exhibitions: 1000 HUF per person

Art Nouveau staircase: 350 HUF per person

Reök Café:

Monday - Sunday: 8 am - 8 pm

New Synagogue Szeged

New Synagogue

The beautiful art nouveau Jewish house of worship, designed by Lipót Baumhorn in 1903, is the 4th largest synagogue in the world. The breathtaking blue and gold interior houses a huge dome decorated with flowers and stars that appear to be floating heavenwards.

The artwork of Miksa Róth, the era’s internationally acclaimed stained glass artist, the carved acacia tabernacle, and the metal fittings contribute to the grandeur of the building, considered to be the most beautiful synagogue in Hungary.

Address: 6722 Szeged, Jósika u. 10.


Opening hours:

Monday, Saturday: Closed

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday: 10 am - 4 pm (entrance until 3:45 pm)

Entrance ticket:

Adult: 2000 HUF per person

Child/Senior: 1200 HUF per person

Family: 4000 HUF per person

Móra Ferenc Museum, Szeged

Móra Ferenc Museum

Once the Palace of Education, the Móra Ferenc Museum’s impressive building gives place to several excellent temporary and permanent exhibitions. Nature, history, and arts are all on display. From archeological finds to important paintings and modern installations, the exhibitions offer hours of pastime. The permanent collection showcases traditional life and usual crafts in and around Szeged from the last centuries - from boat building to paprika cultivation and beyond. Visitors need an add-on for the entrance ticket to enter the viewing terrace on top of the building.

The museum also has two other locations: exciting temporary exhibitions in the “Fekete ház” and a historical, interactive exhibition in the Vármúzeum (next to the main museum building).

The Móra Ferenc Museum is also a place for scientific work as archeological, historical, and ethnographic research is conducted here.

Address: 6720 Szeged, Roosevelt tér 1-3.


Opening hours:

Daily: 10 am - 6 pm (Fekete Ház is temporarily closed)

Entrance ticket:

Móra Museum: 1490 HUF per person

Fekete ház: 1690 HUF per person

Vármúzeum: 1290 HUF per person

Combined ticket: 3590 HUF per person

Roof terrace add-on: 800 HUF per person

Prices valid until May 21, 2023

Reticulated Giraffe at Szeged Zoo

Szeged Zoo

Not too far away from the buzz of the city center, in the stillness of an oak forest, the Szeged Zoo (Szegedi Vadaspark) awaits visitors every day of the year. Established in 1989, the Szeged Zoo participates in different conservation programs to protect endangered species and has plenty of European and exotic animal species to learn about. The zoo has several programs throughout the year, and a Nature Conservation Rescue Centre, where almost 1000 injured or orphaned wild animals are treated every year.

Address: 6725 Szeged, Szél u. 90.


Opening hours:

January, February, March: 9 am - 4 pm

April: 9 am - 5 pm

May: 9 am - 6 pm

June, July, August: 9 am - 7 pm

September: 9 am - 6 pm

October: 9 am - 5 pm

November, December: 9 am - 4 pm

Entrance ticket:

Adult: 4800 HUF per person

Children (between 3-14 years): 3200 HUF per person

Children (under 3 years): 200 HUF per person

Student (above 14 years): 3500 HUF per person

Senior: 3500 HUF per person

Botanical Garden, Szeged

Botanical Garden - University of Szeged

The Botanical Garden of Szeged (Füvészkert) was established in 1922 when the University of Kolozsvár moved to Szeged. The Botanical Garden is an important place of nature education and botanical research, with a butterfly house and different plant collections. One of the most important plants in the collection is the Indian lotus, blooming in a lake fed by artesian water and representing the largest open-air Indian lotus stand in Central Europe. The Botanical Garden of Szeged is open every day.

Address: 6726 Szeged, Lövölde u. 42.


Opening hours:

March: 9 am – 5 pm

April – September: 9 am – 6 pm
October: 9 am – 5 pm
November – February: 9 am – 4 pm

Tropical Butterfly Garden only open from May to September

Greenhouses might be closed on Mondays

Entrance ticket (May-Sep):

Adult: 2200 HUF per person

Student/Senior: 1600 HUF per person

Children between 3-6 years: 800 HUF per person

Children under 3: Free