Chocolate tasting at Csipetke Zero Waste Shop

Image: Csipetke / Facebook

Csipetke Zero Waste Shop at Mars Square, Szeged, offers high-quality handmade chocolates to taste on Saturday, February 5. These chocolates are produced by Latin Negyed, a well-known handmade chocolate manufacturer.

The shop carries a whole range of Latin Negyed products, including bonbons and hot chocolate bars. Saturday's tasting will include milk-, white-, and bitter chocolate from the manufacturer's Luxury range. Diary-free, nutty and fruity options are also included.

The event is planned between 8 am and 3 pm or while the tasting stocks last.

Image and info from Csipetke / Facebook

Szilvia Molnar

Szilvia Molnar is an ecotourism guide turned copywriter turned editor and journalist. She is the founder and owner of Szegedify.


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