Exhibition of tattoo artists at Agárúr Szeged

A group exhibition of tattoo artists opened on Friday evening at Agárúr Café in Szeged.

Csillagvilágok (ENG: Star Worlds) is the title of the recently opened group exhibition, featuring the artworks of 12 tattoo artists from the region. The title of the exhibition refers to the fact that tattoo artists often create in the evening or at night. Csillagvilágok aims to offer visitors a unique perspective into the world of the exhibiting tattoo artists.

From the exhibited images, we can see that each artist has a different pictorial and visual world, and their work also differs technically, tattoo artist Hubert Bíró said at the opening. He pointed out that there are far fewer materials and machines available for creating tattoos compared to the wide range of materials available for painting and visual arts.

Tattoo artists' creative freedom is often limited during regular workdays as they must fulfill their clients' requests. Even when given artistic freedom by the client, the tattoos are ultimately created to follow the client's vision. In contrast, the exhibition allows artists to showcase their artwork created with complete artistic freedom, representing each tattoo artist's personal visual style.

We want to create a regular event from this exhibition, where we can get together at intervals and show our work to the public, Bíró explained.

The 12 exhibiting tattoo artists are Tomi Bem, Hubert Bíró, Rebeka Dohor, Mátyás Fábián, Viktória Palánkai, Kornél Pál, Tamás Tinti Jószai, Joci Tóth, Stacho Ditta, Zsóka Szalma, Éva Szolnoki, and Mónika Vizhányó.

The exhibition can be visited free of charge until September at Agárúr Café on Vitéz Street.

Photos: Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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