First Military Band Festival in Szeged ended with success

A Military Band Festival was organized for the first time yesterday, July 8, in Szeged.

The festival, planned and organized by the Szeged Fair and Market Operator Ltd., started on Friday evening with a concert, including marches and soundtracks, at IH Event Center.

On Saturday afternoon, the performance of the Hungarian Defence Forces Military Drill Team opened the program in front of the Móra Ferenc Museum. The musical part of the program started at 16:45, when the three participating bands — from Tata, Kaposvár, and Hódmezővásárhely — marched from Széchenyi Square to Móra Park, where they first performed one by one, then together.

Military bands usually attract many viewers, and this was the case on Saturday afternoon in downtown Szeged too, where at least a thousand spectators gathered to watch the versatile — and often fun-filled — performances.

Photos: Szilvia Molnar / Szegedify


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