Móra Ferenc Museum welcomed more than a hundred thousand visitors in 2022

Móra Ferenc Museum welcomed more than a hundred thousand visitors last year, reports MTI, the Hungarian News Agency.

According to the announcement, the Móra Ferenc Museum in Szeged had an outstandingly successful year: last year more than a hundred thousand people visited the exhibitions of the museum's main building and exhibition spaces.

The most popular was the Cowboys and Indians exhibition, which exceeded 40.000 visitors. The public collection attracted the most visitors during the summer and autumn museum nights, as well as the days between the two holidays in December.

During the year, the observation deck at the top of the museum was also very popular. The roof terrace, which opened in the summer of 2020, offers a beautiful view of the River Tisza and downtown Szeged.

Special art exhibitions were held in the Fekete Ház (Black House) in the first half of the year, and an exhibition on the history of hygiene awaited visitors in the second half of the year. The Vármúzeum (Castle Museum) also attracted many, where an interactive permanent exhibition presented the most iconic events and characters of Szeged's past.

Source: MTI - Hungarian News Agency

Featured image: Szilvia Molnár / Szegedify


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