Markets and Local Produce in Szeged


  • Mars téri piac (Mars Square market)

    Address: Mars tér, Szeged

    Selection: vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, diary, grocery items, other local produce, plants and flower, etc.

    Open: Daily

    Opening hours:

    Every day: 5 am - 3 pm

    Opening hours can change during holidays. Closed on national holidays.


  • Keleti Porta

    Address: Budai Nagy Antal 27/B, Szeged-Tápé

    Selection: local produce market twice a week, flea market once a month

    Opening hours:

    Local produce market: Wednesdays and Saturdays 7-11 am

    Flea market: first Sunday of the month: 8 am- noon


  • BÖDÖN Piac

    Address: Szeged Pláza, Kossuth L. sgt. 119., Szeged

    Selection: handmade jams, spreads, condiments, diary, honey, handmade candles and cosmetics, toiletry products, home products, books, toys, etc.

    Open: 2 times a month (on average). For exact market days, please check the Bödön Piac Facebook page.

    Opening hours: on market weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 9 am - 2 pm


  • Újszeged Organic Market

    Address: Közép fasor 1-3., Szeged

    Selection: organic local produce

    Open: Weekly

    Opening hours:

    Sundays: 7 am - 11 am



  • Szent István téri kézműves- és borpiac (Szent István Square Handicraft and Wine Market)

    Address: Szent István tér, Szeged

    Selection: handicraft products, food and wine

    Open: from spring until autumn. Dates are not public yet, check back later, or follow the market’s Facebook page for updates.


  • TulipGarden Mórahalom

    Address: 6782 Mórahalom

    Selection: pick-your-own flowers (different tulips, hyacinths, daffodils), flower bulbs for sale

    Open: spring and autumn. Follow the garden’s Facebook page for updates.


  • Bárka Kézműveskikötő

    Address: Felső Tisza-Part, Szeged

    Selection: handicraft products, local food items

    Open: from spring until autumn. Dates are not public yet, check back later, or follow the market’s Facebook page for updates.


  • Bárka Régiségkikötő

    Address: Felső Tisza-Part, Szeged

    Selection: antique and vintage objects for sale

    Open: from spring until autumn. Dates are not public yet, check back later, or follow the market’s Facebook page for updates.
