August 20 celebrations in Hungary - a short sum-up

August 20, also called Saint Stephen’s Day or State Foundation Day, is a national holiday and an official state holiday celebrating the founding of the Hungarian State, and King Stephen I. The king has been canonized, hence, the day is also one of the main holidays of the Hungarian Catholic Church - held in honor of Hungary's patron saint.

August 20 celebrations in Hungary

August 20 is celebrated in every settlement of the country, from the capital to the smallest villages.

State Foundation Day in Budapest

The main celebration of the state foundation and Saint Stephen is in Budapest, where an ecumenical service is held on the eve of the holiday.

On August 20, the official central program begins with the raising of the Hungarian flag with a military salute at Kossuth Square. Then the inauguration of the military officers follows, after which the dome hall of the Parliament is opened so that visitors can see the Holy Crown.

The celebration continues in Buda Castle and on the banks of the Danube with concerts and family programs. The Festival of Folk Arts (Mesterségek Ünnepe), one of the most significant craft festivals in the country, is held in Buda Castle. During the 3-day festival, musicians, singers, folk dancers, and storytellers perform on the stage, and the country’s most recognized craftsmen display their craft.

Video by Szabadnap on YouTube

The Street of Hungarian Flavours, at Várkert Quay, is also part of the event. Every year, the Cake of the Country is presented here.

In the afternoon, a harvest procession is held, culminating in the blessing of the new bread. A celebratory mass, also in the afternoon, is followed by the procession of the Holy Right, around St. Stephen's Basilica. This is in part a state event, as public dignitaries and state officials also take part in it.

The celebration ends with a large-scale musical firework display in the evening.

Video via NUVU Fireworks and Flames on YouTube

August 20 celebrations in other cities of Hungary

August 20 is one of the most important religious and state holidays, hence celebrations in major cities of Hungary are to scale. In Székesfehérvár - the historic city where the Hungarian kings were crowned - a nearly two-week-long festival called Royal Days concentrates on the historical, as well as the religious aspects of August 20, with a 3-day historic festival, a coronation play, and a Musica Sacra concert, among others.

Video: Fehérvár on YouTube

The Flower Carnival in Debrecen, the second largest city in Hungary, has a history of over 50 years. It has developed into an international carnival week, with multiple accompanying programs and festivals. The peak of the celebration is the August 20 carnival parade with flower floats, and dance and music groups. After the firework at night, a street party ends the celebration.

Video: Főnix Rendezvényszervező Kft. on YouTube

To read about the 2023 August 20 celebration weekend in Szeged, click here.

Featured image: Todor Dinchev /


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